What has the Maroochy River Patrol done in the last 6 months? Nothing much apart from:

Averaged four mornings per week on the water.

Collected 16925 litres of litter from the river and surrounding shoreline.

Approximate weight of total collected 3500 kg.

Recycled approximately 27% of total collected.

Removed 435 various larger items not included in the above.

Removed navigational hazards resulting from floods and tidal events.

Accumulated 795 volunteer hours.

Accrued 100 outboard motor hours.

Dealt with 41 public enquiries.

Assisted 15 craft in difficulties.

Assisted Council mangrove nursery and regeneration staff with river transport.

Assisted various interest groups with river transport.

Recorded instances of minor pollution in the river.

Reported several illegal camp sites to authorities.